Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rotation Two - Material Modelling

Because this session is the first time that I have ever worked with balsa wood and creating physical models I though that it would be beneficial to take this class. There is so much that I have learned from Material Modelling that I will continue to use well into may degree.

Firstly is just modelling skill. There is so much to learn about the way in which to cut and adhere different materials, and the way in which they work together, and the best way to get to know how this works is to do it yourself. Although design studio give you experience with balsa, i now have experience unsing box board, foam sheets, metal, wire, leather chord and foam core in my modelling.

The second major thing that I have learned from this workshop is the way in which we look at buildings and the potential for them to undergo a transformative action. As can be seen from my images, I started with a particulaly plain model that was originally two floors of a high rise appartment, by when sliced and slightly rearranged and glued back together says so much more about elevation. It make you think that even a completed building has potential to change.

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